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Our mission

The Felicity app aims to help you get more done with more fun! We hope to help you develop sustainable work habits through customizable support in diverse fields of productivity. No matter what, Felicity has something for everyone!


164 students.
8 countries.
26 institutions.

Involving 150+ students across the world, Felicity supports the community through translating research into publicly accessible personal management tools.

Appraised with professionals.


Dr. Carolyn Youssef-Morgan

From Bellevue University, Dr. Youssef-Morgon has critically appraised the Felicity App specifically for psychological capital interventions. She is considered an authoritative figure within psychological capital with two forefront books including Psychological Capital: Developing the Human Competitive Edge (Oxford University Press, 2007), and Psychological Capital and Beyond (Oxford University Press, 2015)

Felicity aims to provide transparent & intuitive deliverables to users, but we can't do it alone! Here are some of the many experts worldwide that have contributed to our progress in helping your productivity:


Dr. Tim Pychyl

From Carleton University, Dr. Pychyl has critically appraised the Felicity App specifically for procrastination interventions. His research focuses on volitional action in procrastination with relations to well-being with several books and numerous publication within the field. With significant press and media coverage, Dr. Pychyl's work has featured across numerous platforms including the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, CBC, Vox, NBC news, and more.


Clinician Jian Yang

From the University Health Network (UHN), Jian Yang is a mental health clinician with Toronto Western Hospital's Asian Initiative in Mental Health (AIM) working alongside a team of health workers in early intervention in psychosis programs (EIP). Clinician Jian Yang has provided continual and long-term support through insight of systematic mental health in Canada and experiences of these mental health programs.


Frank Mu

From Waterloo University, Frank (PhD) has provided significant insight on research methodology and resources for potential aspects of systematic reviews & meta-analysis. His research lies within industrial/organizational psychology specifically within conflict management, fairness in the workplace, and more.


Dr. Mayu Nishimura

From McMaster University, Dr. Nishimura has supported Felicity research through providing insight and critical appraisal towards interventions and methodology. Dr. Nishimura serves in the department of psychology, neuroscience, and behaviour and is a current research associate at SickKids.


Dr. Anne Wilson

From Wilfrid Laurier University, Dr. Wilson is the Canada Research Chair in Social Psychology, and a Fellow of the Canadian Institute for Advanced Research (CIFAR) Successful Societies program. Dr. Wilson has critically appraised the Felicity App specific for the motivation interventions. Her research lies within identities across temporal perspectives across well-being, goal pursuit, and more. Dr. Wilson was also featured on Harvard Business review, CBC, and more.


Dr. James E. Maddux

From the University of Alabama, Dr. Maddux works within clinical psychology and has been a member of the Association of State and Provincial Psychology Boards' Examination Committee for 10 years. With workshops in Bulgaria to Romania, Dr. Maddux is an avid contributor to the community with published books including "Subjective Well-Being and Life Satisfaction", "Psychopathology", and more.

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Dr. Ashley Waggoner Denton

From the University of Toronto, Dr. Denton is an associate professor and teaching stream & acting associate chair for the undergraduate studies in the psychology department. She teaches numerous psychology courses, as well as statistics & social psychology. Her research focuses on impression formation processes and the social psychology of learning.

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Dr. Matthew Smith

From Buckinghamshire New University in the United Kingdom, Dr. Matthew Smith is an associate professor specializing in positive psychology, applied social psychology, and exceptional human experience. He also supports leadership teams across government departments during the remote nature of the COVID-19 pandemic. He has spoken on the psychology luck at the Royal Institution and has established a Centre for Positive Psychology.

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